Trust God in the New Year
What would you like for God to do for you this year? God’s Word is full of so many promises for your life. And God certainly would like to see you have them all.
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
─ James 4:8 NASB
God promised Abraham he would become the father of many nations. Abraham never doubted God would do what He’d said, although he did wonder how. Abraham’s life was filled with mistakes, sins and failure, but he remained faithful to trust God (Romans 4:18-25).
Focus your faith on the promise God has for you.
Abraham’s faith grew as he trusted God to bring him through every obstacle he faced. He lived by putting his faith in action (Hebrews 11:8). Abraham didn’t look at what he could do, but instead looked to God, obeyed Him and watched for God to do what He promised.
One way to experience all that God has for you is to trust Him to fulfill those promises. Focus your faith on the promise God has for you. Focused faith encourages you to stand firm for God’s promises. As you draw closer to Him, His presence will become more evident to you.
Today’s One Thing
Read James 4:7-10 today to learn how you can draw near to God.