Walk In His Light
Jesus’ light gives you the ability to see what is true.
By his light I walked through darkness.
– Job 29:3 ESV
When Jesus proclaimed, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life,” in John 8:12 (ESV), the Feast of Tabernacles had just ended in Jerusalem. Each night, four candelabras were lit as a part of this feast and the brightness of the flames was enough to light up the city. There was dancing with torches and the singing of praise songs.
The temporary shelters reminded the people of God’s provision in the wilderness and the light was a reminder of His guidance into the promised land by way of a cloud by day and fire by night. (Exodus 13:21-22)
What a perfect time for Jesus to reveal Who He is!
Jesus’ light exposes darkness and provides life to those who see.
Jesus came to shine light into the darkness. His timing was, and is, always perfect. He came and revealed Himself as the Son of God. Then, He gave Himself up for all the darkness that existed and was to come.
Jesus gave up His life and then rose from the dead, providing you with the light and life of God Himself.
Today’s One Thing
Give praise to God for His perfect provision of His Son, Jesus, and for His light that shines the way for you. Thank Him for the light He will shine on circumstances for which you need guidance.