Welcome Spring Rain
Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.
— Hosea 6:3
Spring rain fosters new growth. With each shower the grass turns greener and more buds pop open. Farmers welcome the spring rain that waters the earth and causes the seeds to sprout and take root. Each new green leaf is a reminder that God sends what is needed in the right season.
The Bible uses spring rain to illustrate a return to the Lord. Time away from God is like a barren, cold winter. But then come the sunshine and water that brings the hope of growth and renewal.
When we’ve forgotten to read the Bible daily or failed to spend time in prayer, our souls and spirits can quickly grow cold and callous. We need to let the gentle waters of the Word bring new growth to revive us.
This is part of pressing on to know God. We must take action. Just as the farmer plows the field and drops in the seeds, we need to examine our hearts to remove any hard spots of jealousy, bitterness or selfishness. That prepares us for the seeds of God’s words and then the watering of the Holy Spirit will help the words take root.
When we do that, we’ll be refreshed like we’ve run through a spring rain.
Today’s One Thing
Water the plants in your home or yard and watch how they soak up that nourishment. Ask God to help you soak up His Word the same way.