What We Know vs. What We Do
Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?
— Matthew 19:16
Motivational blogger Seth Godin tells the story of knowing about the revolutionary concept of digital cash back in 1995. He even published a book about the impact digital money would have on our lives. In 2008 Bitcoin was finally introduced to the world. But Seth didn’t buy $1,000 worth of stock. He didn’t buy any. If he had, it would be worth more than $40,000,000 today. Seth says, “It’s not that I didn’t know. It’s that I didn’t act.”
Knowing and acting are two different things.
Matthew recorded the story of a rich man very much concerned about his eternity. Desperate to know what would ensure his place in heaven, the man went straight to Jesus and asked what to do. Jesus recited the list of commandments the man had known since he was a child. The man was pretty excited. He already had a nice, neat check mark next to each one of them. Then Jesus reminded the man he’d skipped one. “Which one?” the man wanted to know.
“You’ve not put others ahead of yourself.”
The rich young ruler was in a quandary. Deep down, he’d always known he’d skipped over his stingy inclination. He hadn’t sacrificed for others or given to help the poor. And, truth be known, he didn’t want to. It was his money. Of course, the man believed someone should care for the poor, but did it have to be him?
The man walked away from Christ because he couldn’t do the thing that he knew he should. He could not give up his wealth. So, he gave up something more precious than all the money in the world, his relationship with Jesus.
Today’s One Thing
Examine your closest relationship. Do one thing for that person they would never expect you to, one thing that will cost you time, thought, or money.