When It’s Out of Your Control
And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
─ Romans 5:5 ESV
First the baby shower had to be cancelled and now this, Katrina thought. She knew she should be thankful, but she couldn’t hide her disappointment from her husband.
“What’s wrong, honey?” he said, noticing immediately that something wasn’t quite right.
“I received notification that I have to go alone to the ultrasound, because of COVID-19.
Only patients are allowed in the clinic.”
“Well, that’s okay.” He said. “I can join you through video chat.”
Then the tears came, “But what if they don’t let you come inside the hospital with me, inside the delivery room when I have the baby?” she said, gulping for air between sobs.
Life’s challenges bring hurt and disappointment, especially when something beyond our control crashes into our expectations and dashes our hopes and dreams. Our verse today says hope does not disappoint. Even though things feel out of control and look like they might not go the way we expected, God is sovereign. When we are weak and helpless, unable to save ourselves, God comes to rescue us.
The next time life brings disappointment, give voice to that loss and hurt, but then look to God for His perfect timing. Expect all things to work together for your good (Romans 8:28) and hope expectantly in Him (Romans 8:25).
Today’s One Thing
Have you been disappointed this year? Talk to someone you trust about how you feel. Give voice to your emotions, and then ask them to pray with you to look forward to the future God has for you with new joy and hope.