Wonderous Faith
“I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope.”
─ Psalm 130:5
For the most part, adults assume the roles of teacher, mentor and coach in the lives of children God places in their lives. However, the beauty in this is the adult often becomes the student, learning valuable life lessons from a child.
Children are full of wonder. They exude with an unmatched curiosity about themselves and the world around them. They ask questions that adults found the answers to long ago and have since set aside. “What makes a seed grow?” “Why is the grass green and not blue?” “When can I touch the stars and visit the moon?”
They live in constant curiosity of their world and stand in awe of the smallest of things God created. They constantly seek answers, and once they understand even the simplest things, they want to share their new revelation with those closest to them. Each moment is a new opportunity for them to discover something adults perceive as ordinary, but they see as extraordinary.
As we grow up, we see life through complicated lenses. We’ve experienced hurt, pain and disappointment, which can diminish our perspective. Our burdens become heavy and we work to stay a step ahead of life’s unexpected curve balls.
However, the fact that God desires a personal relationship with us, and takes care of every little detail to create a world of wonder for us to explore, gives us hope and a reason to celebrate.
Today’s One Thing
What is a lesson you’ve learned lately from a child? How did it impact your faith?