You are Worthy
A Core Group leader asked the group’s attendees one Sunday morning, “Would you consider yourself any of the following descriptors?”
- A friend
- Daughter or Son
- Mindful
- Productive
- Loving
- Creative
- Curious
- Thoughtful
- Courageous
- Happy
- Smart
- Genuine
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
– Ephesians 2:10 ESV
How many of the above items can you consider as descriptors for yourself while knowing that many other descriptive words could be used to define yourself accurately? As a quick exercise, think about yourself and the traits that describe you. Write down at least 99 words that honestly describe you – keep this to yourself. As you write your list, there will be positive and negative words. Don’t hold back – write 99 descriptive words down.
No jumping ahead. Step away from this devotion and write your list.
Now that you have written your list. Consider how these words came to your mind. Were they given to you by the Holy Spirit or simply of your own accord? As you consider each of these traits, you may find a few words unpleasant to read, write or hear. For example, if you wrote down the word strong-willed or controlling, then ask the Lord to finely hone the positive side of these attributes within you, so they are used to glorify the Lord.
The Lord wonderfully designed you. He is shaping you daily to be more like Christ.
There are always things to improve, but more importantly, there are always things to release to the Holy Spirit and request for intervention and improvement so the Fruits of the Holy Spirit can be observed and experienced by others. Release the sinful traits to the Lord and allow Him to shape and mold you to His Glory.
[You are a child] of God, and if [a child], then [an heir]—[an heir] of God and fellow [heir] with Christ, provided [you] suffer with him in order that [you] may also be glorified with him.– Romans 8:16b – 17 ESV written in 2nd person
Today’s One Thing
Understand that you may have rough edges that need the Master’s craftsmanship to soften and hone for loving others and prioritizing the Lord. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict you of the items you need to relinquish to the Lord so You can magnify him through your service. Oh, item 100, His Heir.