
Finding Your True Self

Laney Rene’s Journey Beyond Life’s Labels

In the midst of life’s ever-shifting seasons, roles, and titles, there lies an unalterable truth about who we are at our core. Laney Rene, a worship artist, ministry founder, and author of “Daughter Become Who You Already Are,” recently shared her heart and journey with Family Life Radio, offering hope and affirmation for all of us navigating the complexities of identity and self-worth.

Your Story, My Story, Our Story

From a very young age, Laney recognized the battle for her identity, recalling, “I can look back at when I was five years old and already see just how the enemy was already after my identity and how I saw myself.” Her honesty about the challenges she faced, from struggling with eating disorders as a teenager to enduring a toxic relationship, underscores a journey marked by moments of disconnection between knowledge of truth and heartfelt belief.

Laney opens up about the universal struggle with identity, saying, “It’s my story. It’s all of our stories.” As women, we traverse numerous seasons in life where everything about our external world might change, yet, as Laney points out, “who we truly are never changes.” This is something she believes we all need to be constantly reminded of, especially in moments of doubt and insecurity.

The Power of Identity and Divine Relationship

However, it’s in understanding her relationship with God that Laney found freedom.

“Who we are is the thing that has set me free every single time.”

The revelation of being God’s daughter brought her a sense of security and identity that no external circumstance could shake. Her relationship with God as her Father emerged as the foundation of her healing and self-realization.

Laney Rene

Heartbreak and Hope

Laney shares the heart-wrenching experience of her miscarriage. “It was very, just shocking, heartbreaking, hardest thing I’d ever walk through,” she describes. This season of grief opened up conversations with other women who shared their own stories of loss. Yet, amidst the shared sorrow, Laney encountered a pervasive sense of hopelessness that didn’t sit right with her spirit.

Hearing others say, “You’ll always live with a broken heart,” sparked disagreement within her, fueled by the Holy Spirit. “We don’t have to live lives like that,” Laney counters, drawing strength from her faith and the scriptural promise that, though we are perplexed, we are not in despair (See 2 Corinthians 4:8). This verse became a lifeline, reminding her that with God, she is never without hope.

A Message of Redemption and Identity

Laney is passionate.

“This is the testimony that needs to be told and needs to be shared with women of all seasons of life,” she passionately shares. Her book and her story are invitations to recognize the unchanging love of a Father who redeems, heals, and restores.

Through her experiences, Laney calls us to embrace our identity as God’s daughters, regardless of the brokenness we might walk through. “There’s always redemption if it’s not good yet,” she reassures, reminding us of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

Laney Rene

You Are Not Alone

If Laney’s story resonates with you, know that you’re not alone in your journey. The struggles with identity, worth, and healing are shared experiences that bind us together.

You can experience hope beyond the heartache and have a steadfast identity that remains untouched by life’s changes.

Embrace the truth of who you are—a beloved daughter of God, destined for a life of freedom and wholeness. Let Laney’s words be a reminder to seek and find your identity in the unchanging love of the Father. Through every season, challenge, and triumph, remember: You are becoming who you already are.

A Moment of Reflection

We invite you to consider the seasons of your own life. Where have you seen your identity challenged, and how have you responded? More importantly, how can you lean into your unshakeable identity as a beloved child of God, finding freedom and hope in His eternal love and grace?

May you look to your Father for a deeper understanding and faith and find the true essence of who you are meant to be – in Him.

Laney Rene

Laney is a wife, mom, and founder of The One He Loves, a ministry which exists so every woman can be refreshed, encouraged, and reminded of Jesus’ loving-kindness toward them. Laney is known for sharing the goodness of Jesus in a way that is not just inviting but also captivating. After walking through a painful season and into a redemption story only Jesus could come up with, Laney couldn’t keep the good news to herself. Today, as a worship artist, author, and speaker, Laney continues to find creative ways to share the heart of Jesus with everyone she can! https://laneyrene.com/

Find out more about Laney on Instagram @heylaneyrene. For inquiries, please email info@laneyrene.com

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