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Holding on to Hope – The Fisher Family’s Journey

A Story of Unshakeable Hope

This Christmas, we’re honored to share a story that’s deeply rooted in the love and hope that comes from knowing Christ. Meet Heather Fisher, Family Life Radio’s Network Stewardship Officer, and her family, who are navigating life’s storms with a hope that only Christ can provide.

Watch Holding on to Hope

Hover over the image and click the play button to watch the video and be inspired by the Fisher family’s journey of holding on to hope, a hope that’s available to all of us because of Christ.

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The Struggle

Heather’s family faced a series of challenges that would test anyone’s spirit. Her teenage daughter, Olivia, began experiencing mysterious symptoms that left them searching for answers. At the same time, Heather’s husband, Dave, was diagnosed with congestive heart failure.

The Hope of Christ

In moments like these, it’s easy to wonder how people make it through without knowing Christ. The manger cradled not just a child, but a promise of eternal hope even in the face of life’s most stormy winters.

Jesus is not just the reason we celebrate Christmas; He’s the reason we can face life’s most difficult seasons with resilience and hope.

Heather and her family found strength in their relationship with Christ, a strength that continues to carry them through every single day. Click here to learn more about who Jesus is.

A Beacon for You

We believe the Fisher’s story can be a light for you, too. It’s a vivid reminder that the hope we have in Christ isn’t just for Christmas—it’s for every day. It’s for those moments when you’re not sure how you’ll make it through, but you keep going because you know He’s with you.

Our Prayer for You

As you watch, we pray that you’ll be encouraged and that you’ll find the same unshakeable hope that Heather and her family have found in Christ. May their story encourage you to the enduring love and hope that a relationship with Christ brings into our lives, not just during the Christmas season, but moment of your life. If you’d like prayer or have a praise, visit our prayer and praise wall.

Feel free to share this story with friends and family. We all need the hope of Christ. After all, the best stories are the ones that point us back to Him.

You can receive hope in your email every weekday in our ministry eDevos.

Special thanks to the Fisher family for sharing their story.