

25 Ways God’s Character Leads Us Onward

Author, artist, creative business strategist and founder of, Ruth Chou Simons, joined Family Life Radio in a conversation about her new book – Pilgrim, in which she shares 25 ways God’s character leads us onward. Check out her conversation with Family Life Radio’s morning show.

Please enjoy this excerpt from Ruth’s very authentic introduction. 

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find myself in such a hurry or so focused on where I’m going that I miss the street signs meant to point the way and help me discern where I am. I get lost, miss the turn, or think I’m somewhere I’m not—all because I’m not paying attention to the very guideposts meant to inform my journey.

A guidepost, by definition, points the way on a path that may be difficult or hard to navigate.

Sometimes the way of the Christian life seems unclear or complex. Sometimes our walk with Christ feels like an unsure road to understand. But the Bible, God’s Word, is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path, as we read in Psalm 119:105. We’ve not been left to wander

aimlessly on this journey heavenward. No, our Savior shows us the way, by being the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).

I wrote this Pilgrim journey so that we might walk this road, courageously and confidently, together as Christ-followers. Through the guideposts of grace that appear in this book—guideposts that affirm key truths in the Bible—we will find that we are not alone, not abandoned, and no longer need to strive to secure our own footing or define our own paths. Instead, we discover that God writes our stories, paves our paths, leads the way, never leaves us nor forsakes us, and goes with us wherever this earthly journey takes us.

Here, we’ll explore reminders from Scripture that point us forward on our journey with Christ –guideposts that direct our hearts and minds to the truths of the gospel, the attributes of God, and the core foundations of our faith. We’ll encounter reminders of God’s character and how He leads us onward as pilgrims – the same reminders that have shaped believers who’ve gone before us in ages past. Some of these faithful pilgrims penned hymns that elucidate these truths in ways that stick with us long after the melodies fade; these accompany us on this journey as well.

My prayer is that through this exploration, you’ll discover the themes of grace that punctuate not only the moment of salvation in a believer’s life, but all the twists and turns, hills and valleys that shape our journeys – before, behind, ahead, and along the way.

These truths are reminders of God’s way, not yours or mine.

They are indicators of God’s story, not our own. Lord willing, these guideposts of grace will serve to remind us, again and again, season after season, that God is at work right where we are.

If you’re weary, fellow traveler, I’m here to tell you you’re not alone, and there is great hope for the road ahead. I’m here to remind you that you can lay down the heavy burden you’ve been carrying for miles and miles, and – if you’re willing – let your Savior carry it for you instead. He is at work more than you know. There are guideposts of grace everywhere we look, friend, and they accompany our Pilgrim journey, even now. We just have to cultivate eyes that see and hearts that believe these guideposts are ours – for me and for you. Will you join me—as God leads us onward in this Pilgrim journey, together?

Ruth Chou Simons is a Wall Street Journal bestselling and award-winning author of several books and Bible studies, including GraceLaced, Beholding and Becoming, and When Strivings Cease. She is an artist, entrepreneur, podcaster and speaker, using each of these platforms to spiritually sow the Word of God into people’s hearts. Through her online shoppe at and her social media community, Simons shares her journey of God’s grace intersecting daily life with word and art. Ruth and her husband, Troy, are grateful parents to six boys — their greatest adventure. Learn more at

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