Prayer and Praise Wall

Prayer Wall


Welcome to the Family Life Radio Prayer Wall! Share your prayer request below (anonymously, if you’d prefer) and pray for others at the same time. All prayer posts are moderated, so please allow 24 hours for your request to appear.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


A couple days ago my brother announced that he and his wife are completely fine with the whole LGBTQ+ thing. God did we do something wrong? My mom is an angel-- it couldn't have been her. And yet she is taking the hardest blow. She blames herself, when in reality they have been on their own for 7 years, so there's nothing she could have done. I'm so tired! When will I get rest?? It just seems like God is chucking thing after thing at us, and we don't know why. Not to mention the stuff I'm going through on my own-- my best friend moved to a different state, another friend might be moving to the other side of the country. My life is so full of stress these days... I just want a break

Received: March 15, 2022