Prayer and Praise Wall

Prayer Wall


Welcome to the Family Life Radio Prayer Wall! Share your prayer request below (anonymously, if you’d prefer) and pray for others at the same time. All prayer posts are moderated, so please allow 24 hours for your request to appear.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.


I would appreciate your prayers regarding my oldest son Mason. He has all the money all the success but no joy! I pray that God would take his heart of stone and turn it to a heart of flesh, that he would replace his negative speech, judgement and superior attitude, with joy, love, caring, appreciation, that he would take his selfishness and make him a giver, that he would open his eyes and ears to see and hear the words of God, that he would replace his emptiness with Jesus, that I would have my old Mason back but better than ever, on fire for God and loving others. ️

Received: November 2, 2023