Prayer and Praise Wall
Welcome to the Family Life Radio Prayer Wall! Share your prayer request below (anonymously, if you’d prefer) and pray for others at the same time. All prayer posts are moderated, so please allow 24 hours for your request to appear.
Please pray for myself and my family. I lost my best friend and oldest daughter and she left behind 5 kids under 6 yrs old. We are a very loving family and did everything together, ie. vacations, parties, church. We have been in the kids lives since they were born and her husband never had anything to do with us or kids. Pretty much lived in back room and is all about just making money. He won't let us be a part of grandkids lives anymore and I am struggling with losing my daughter and her children. Her husband is just being mean and hateful. Not because he loved my daughter but because come to find out after she passed that he hates us. Won't tell me why just does. The loss of my daughter was the hardest thing ever but to lose my grandkids it has almost been too much. Pray for us and my grandkids. Thank you