Rescued from the Depths of Despair
HOPE and STRENGTH for Jessica
2020 was a tough year for all of us.
But for Jessica of Michigan, it was almost a deal breaker.
“I’ve really struggled,” she said. “My life was a mess. My son was estranged from me got to a point where I no longer wanted to be alive. I just wanted to die.”
The music and programs YOU make possible through Family Life Radio quite possibly saved Jessica’s life!
“I’m not really sure I would be here today if I had not turned on the radio and started listening,” said Jessica.
One day, Jessica was driving in her car, feeling especially depressed. As her mind played out various suicidal scenarios, God spoke to her . . .
“A song came on the radio that really touched my heart,” said Jessica. “Then another and another, as if they were playing just for me.”
The lifesaving message Jessica needed in that moment came through Family Life Radio—thanks to YOU and others who give so generously!
“I knew it was God talking to me through those songs,” she said. “He was telling me not to give up on hope, that He was there for me, and that I truly was stronger than I believed.”
Hope across the airwaves

“Your songs really touch my soul,” says Jessica. “They give me a newfound hope. Hope and strength to keep going, to keep praying and to just keep listening. I just want to say how amazing your station is. Thank you!”
On behalf of Jessica and so many others who experience healing and hope through the Christ-centered messages you make possible through Family Life Radio, thank you!
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Help People Experience Hope