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Building Bridges Ministries KC

Contact: Sherrie Pucket
Other 11184 Antioch Rd. Suite 314 Overland Park KS 66210 Phone: 913-787-5444Website:


Photo of Building Bridges Ministries KC
When I started Building Bridges Ministries in 2016, I felt a sense of urgency during my time in prayer. I could feel the Holy Spirit moving the Church, the Body of Christ to come together in Unity. Jesus prayed for unity in the church before going to the cross to die for the sins of the world. Before His suffering, we were on His mind and heart. This is important. The gospel of Jesus Christ is for all, and our Oneness is a witness to the world that Jesus Christ came in the flesh! “That they may be one, as You Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they all may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You have sent Me. “John 17:21.
The events of 2020 confirm the fact that we The Church, no longer have the option of only operating in camps. Fact is, we need each other! And Jesus is looking for a glorious Bride from every tongue, tribe, nation and tongue. This is the beauty of the Bride!
Building Bridges Ministries is committed to supporting you and other nonprofits. We are committed to serving area pastors, preparing the Family Table in your honor. Our unity and genuine love for one another is God’s plan. We, together, are the light of the world!
We endeavor to work together as God commands. You each have unique gifts that the Body of Christ needs. I encourage you to step out in faith knowing that you are needed!
Pastors and Ministry Leaders, please join us for our Family Table luncheon. We are committed to serving and praying for you. Many friendships are forming because of Family Table. It brings pleasure to the heart of God to see His children around the table together.
Brothers and Sister, the world is hurting, and the harvest is ripe! Now, more than ever, we need to come together. God has no plan B. His word is Holy. I believe that we are going to see a powerful move of God’s Spirit in the midst of great darkness. Each of us, using our various gifts to bring hope and healing to the world around us. As a licensed professional counselor, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to begin a Biblically based mental health program. My prayer is that this program will not only bless our community, but you as well. We need each other and our variety of gifts from God. I look forward to working together in unity with you in response to the prayer of Jesus Christ. Remember, you are special, and you are loved. You and I together are a part of God’s plan.
Many blessings to You!


Our Vision is to bring a diverse group believers together, creating a family community among God’s people. We do this by providing a once a month luncheon for pastors and ministry leaders. This time together has no agenda other than Acts 2:42-48. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. “This vision is scriptural and is at the very heart of God our Father. (Galatians 4:5) Imagine a community where Christians from every tongue, tribe and nation , different ethnicities walked in unity with one another and worked together and prayed together to solve the issues facing our communities. Imagine believers in Jesus Christ from different denominations coming together to seek the Lord for answers regarding the challenges our world is facing. Imagine believers from different socioeconomic backgrounds being so knit together that they share their resources.(Acts 4:34,35) Imagine the prayer of Jesus Christ in John 17:21-24 becoming the prayer of every Jesus follower! Imagine Christians having the reputation that they walk in supernatural love for one another and for all! (John 13:35) We know that this is not something that we can accomplish in our own strength. It is a work of Holy Spirit just as our Salvation is a work of Holy Spirit. When we surrender our will to His way, we are changed and our communities are transformed! Building Bridges Ministries is committed to doing our part. As a mental health professional, God placed it on my heart to put together a mental health team of individuals who have a passion for unity and a love for the hurting. Though most of our clients can pay for our services, many cannot. We fundraise so that we can help our brothers and sisters with nonprofits who are doing a great work for the kingdom of God but are missing the vital necessity of mental health support. It is with great joy that we can share that our program is working! When our nonprofit partners succeed, we all succeed! My wonderful mental health team donates countless hours because the need is greater than our financial resources so we need your help! Please consider supporting Building Bridges Ministries with a gift of any amount. The need today is greater than ever. Thank you for your consideration and most of all, your prayers!