Your Gift Enables Debbie to Share Her Hope
Debbie recently made a life-changing decision—to give her whole life to Christ. And now she’s passionate about living for Jesus! Ask her when she really came to Christ—and she’ll tell you!
“Well, I’ve been really and truly a believer since last October. Since I found your radio station. People see that we’re different because we have God in our hearts and we know Him. They’re like: “What is going on with you? You’re so happy! I want some of that.” And then that’s my opportunity to tell them that I have God in my heart and He’s holding me.“
Debbie became a Monthly Partner and now she’s passionate about sharing the Good News about Jesus—and Family Life Radio.
“I’m tired of listening to all the other stations that are not about the Christian life! And your station is all Christian, and it’s all about encouraging one another. That’s why I am a Monthly Partner with Family Life Radio!”
Join Debbie and Other Monthly Partners Now