When Faith is Tested
Faith Eury Cho’s Nudge from God
Faith Eury Cho shared on Family Life Radio just how challenging faith can be, especially when life throws tough situations our way. Her faith seemed to be at odds with the harsh reality she was facing with her newborn son in the NICU. It’s a place many of us can find ourselves in, questioning why things aren’t turning out the way we’ve prayed for, especially when we believe in a God who heals.
“Oftentimes we want to see proof of our faith, right? We want to see our faith work to our favor,” Faith shared. You might relate to this feeling of wanting your faith to align with your hopes and plans. But what happens when it doesn’t?
Faith was in this exact situation, watching her son battle and feeling her faith waver. “If God is a healer, why isn’t he healing?” she questioned. It’s a moment many of us have faced – when what we believe seems to clash with our reality. You might have even thought about walking away from it all, just like Faith did.
A Nudge from God
In that moment of despair, something unexpected happened. Faith felt a nudge from God, an unction to give thanks. “I mean, definitely I started off with hesitation,” she admitted. You can probably relate to that hesitation, can’t you? The idea of giving thanks when everything seems to be falling apart can feel counterintuitive.
Embarking on a Journey of Gratitude
Despite her doubts, Faith took a step of faith. She began to list things she was thankful for, a simple act that gradually transformed her outlook. “As I was undertaking this … obedience of just thanking God and fixing my eyes on what he has done, it started to inundate my being with this awareness that God was with me,” she described. This wasn’t just about making a list; it was about shifting focus, from her problems to God’s presence.
Experiencing God’s Presence through Thanksgiving
Faith shared, “It says in Psalm 100:4 to enter His courts with thanksgiving, it’s like opening the door to experiencing His presence – and that’s what I did.” It’s about coming into a deeper awareness of God’s nearness, even in the toughest times. She continued, “And I remember in that moment being so full with this awareness of His love and His goodness. There was a supernatural confidence and understanding that God is good, and He is here, and He is for me.”
A New Perspective in Difficult Times
Faith asked, “What is the point of being loyal to Jesus if He’s not going to be loyal to me?” But through her journey of gratitude, she discovered that God’s loyalty isn’t always about fixing our situations. Sometimes, it’s about being with us through them. “Even though my situation wasn’t reflecting that, I was experiencing that by faith,” Faith reflected.
Lessons from the Hospital Room
What Faith learned in that hospital room is something relevant to all of us. Our faith journey is often not about the resolution of problems, but about finding God in the midst of them. Gratitude transforms our perspective, helping us see God’s hand even when things don’t go as we hope.
As you reflect on Faith’s story, consider how gratitude might change your perspective. It’s not about ignoring the pain or the challenges; it’s about opening your eyes to God’s presence in the midst of them. We hope you find that giving thanks, even in the hardest times, can bring a deeper sense of God’s love and goodness into your life.
Faith Eury Cho
A passionate gospel preacher since 19, Faith Eury Cho now excels as an international speaker, pastor, author, and CEO. Her commitment to sharing the gospel’s joy and the Presence of God is evident in her leadership at The Honor Summit, which she founded, and Mosaic Covenant Church, which she co-pastors with her husband. A graduate from Liberty University with a Masters in Divinity, Faith also contributes to Propel Ecclesia and is the author of “Experiencing Friendship with God.” Recognized as one of “20 Rising Leaders” by Outreach Magazine, Faith’s most treasured role is being a mother to her four children.
Visit https://www.faitheurycho.com/ or follow Faith on Instagram @FAITHEURYCHO
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