
Who Will God Use?

Ryan Stevenson’s Unexpected Path

Have you ever felt like your life was on an unexpected path, only to discover it was leading you to your true calling? Ryan Stevenson, contemporary Christian musician and songwriter, shared with us about how his time in the medical field deeply impacted his perspective on life, teaching him the fragility of existence and the importance of compassion.

Exposing him to the harsh realities of life, Ryan spent almost nine years working as a paramedic. “It was a quick wake-up call, like real life suddenly,” he recalls. Working 24-hour shifts showed him the frailties of life and the absence of guarantees. His experiences on the ambulance were a constant reminder of the Bible verse that says our lives are “a vapor.”

As a paramedic, Ryan was often the hope someone needed in their worst moments. “You don’t call 911 because you’re having a good day,” he notes. The job instilled in him a deep sensitivity and compassion for people, teaching him to see and love others without judgment. “That experience profoundly changed my life, just my sensitivity for people and my perspective on what’s important. [It showed me] how to truly just see people, to love them and accept them where they are not judged. You don’t really know anybody’s story at all from the surface. But when you get in there, it’s incredible.”

A Life-Changing Call

One call in particular stands out in Ryan’s memory. “I ended up responding to a 911 call at work where a 39-year-old female got struck in the head by lightning. She was out hiking with her two little boys and her mom. They were looking at property  up in the foothills north of town… A storm comes out of nowhere. [Lightening] hits her in the top of the head. She goes down full on cardiac arrest. And I happen to be the paramedic that responded…we knew she wasn’t going to make it, so we put her in the ambulance. On the way to the hospital, I ended up reviving her.”

Ryan Stevenson

The woman made a full recovery, and later became a pivotal figure in his life, encouraging him to pursue his music career. Her belief in him led to a chain of events that opened the door to his music career.

Transition to Music

Ryan always loved music. “I played music forever and was working as a paramedic 48 hours a week,” he explains. His passion for music never waned, and with the support he received, he recorded his songs and eventually met Toby Mac, leading to his breakthrough in the Christian music industry.

You can trust in God’s plan, even when the path seems unconventional or unclear.

“It’s a whirlwind, and it’s really unconventional, kind of a quirky trajectory. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I love talking about that because it just reinforces to me in my heart, in my faith and for anybody watching who sees my life and hears that story,  God will use anything. He’ll use anybody,” Ryan affirms.

Ryan Stevenson

Ryan’s journey encourages us to embrace unexpected opportunities and trust that God’s plan, no matter how unpredictable, is always perfect.

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