A Radiant Promise
You, like every other human, entered this world ensnared in a web of sin, carrying a debt you could never repay. Under the weight of that inherent sin, you stood condemned to die. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23 NIV). Yet, the darkness of that truth is overshadowed by a radiant promise.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.
– Ephesians 2:8 ESV
You are God’s greatest creation, a masterpiece intricately woven together in His image, brimming with potential for love, creativity, compassion and growth. Without His divine intervention of eternal salvation, this potential within you would have been tragically lost.
But God, in His immeasurable love and mercy, extended His grace to you. The Lord did not leave you bound by sin; instead, He gifted you an unmerited Christmas pardon.
Christ’s birth is the moment when God stepped into our world to redeem you.
The birth of a child, Jesus, God’s only Son, brought forth a redemptive lifeline for humanity. Christ’s birth is more than a story; it’s the pivotal point of human history, the moment when God stepped into our world to redeem you. This is the love of God manifesting itself in the most profound of ways.
As you navigate your day, remember that God’s love for you is immeasurable and His grace is the most precious gift you have ever received. Rejoice in this truth, let it guide your actions and let it draw you ever closer to His embrace.
Today’s One Thing
Express your gratitude for God’s grace and salvation today. You can do this in a multitude of ways: you might write a letter to God, thank Him in prayer, share the message of salvation with someone else or even show kindness to a stranger as a way of emulating Christ’s love.