Declare Your Security
Frustrating people are challenging. They get on your nerves and under your skin. They annoy and bother you. Their actions make you think of them more than you should. The enemy uses that annoyance to bring thoughts to your mind that simply are not valid, which can make you upset or cause you to imagine worse case scenarios.
Frustrating people are not the enemy. When you encounter someone’s ignorance, lack of expertise, arrogance or bad attitude, it creates tension that can produce feelings and thoughts that may not align with the Lord’s desire for you to think and act.
“But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.”
─ Psalm 59:16 ESV
By refocusing your attention on the Lord, the Holy Spirit becomes your security, fortress and refuge. The Lord has complete authority over all things, tiny and humongous. If you discover yourself becoming annoyed or frustrated with someone, bring this situation to the Lord, and name the frustrating items that bring stress or tension.
The Lord wants you to declare His security over every aspect of your life.
When you speak affirming words that declare the Lord’s majesty and your submission, then anticipate His wondrous work to bring positive outcomes. He has complete authority over everything, even the frustrating items that bring tension.
The Lord has given you the freedom to declare His security over every aspect of your life. Let your request be made known to God during your prayer time and watch the goodness that comes because of your trust in His divine authority.
Today’s One Thing
Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Declare, “I am a child of God, and the enemy has no authority over me. I submit my thoughts and actions to God and ask for His security and redemption over the frustrating items hitting me. Help me to overcome these frustrating things and give me wisdom for these relationships. I trust in you, Father. Amen.”