
God Uses Moments to Touch Hearts

Isn’t it amazing how God has a way of meeting you right where you are? Micah Tyler, a contemporary Christian music artist, shared a story that captures this beautifully.

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

– Isaiah 55:11 NKJV

A young woman, burdened by an unplanned pregnancy and the absence of support from those who should have stood by her, stumbled upon Micah’s song “Mighty to Love” as she was driving to an abortion clinic. She pulled over, wept and made a life-altering decision to keep her baby. Micah recalls the impact of this revelation, saying, “I think about that almost every single time I get pen and paper out or put fingers on a keyboard. Who am I gonna find in a car, in a hospital room or in a prison that needs to hear the hope of Jesus right now?”

God can use you to reach someone’s heart.

You may be swamped, juggling so many responsibilities that it feels like you barely have a moment for yourself, let alone for anyone else. But here’s the thing: You’re already a beacon of God’s love, whether you know it or not. Your simple smile, your kind words to a friend or even just the way you carry yourself – God can use all of these things to reach someone’s heart.

Don’t underestimate the power of your presence and the reach of your kindness. Like a song coming on the radio just when you need it, your actions or words can be someone’s “song moment” that God uses to touch their soul.

Today’s One Thing

Affirm yourself and God’s desire to use you by speaking these words today:

  • Lord, use me today to bring hope to someone who needs it.
  • I am an instrument in God’s grand orchestra, playing a melody of love and grace.
  • Even in my busiest moments, I am in tune with God’s purpose for me.
  • I carry the hope of Jesus in all that I do, and it shines brightly to those around me.
  • My smallest acts of kindness are magnified by God’s immense love.

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