God’s Great Love
Unfathomable God put on human clothes because He loves you.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
– John 1:1 ESV
Jesus is the Word. He was with God when the world was created. All things were created through Him. While on earth, He spoke God’s words. Imagine what it took for Him to come to earth as a human being. God took on limited human form to walk among humanity because of His great love for you. It is unfathomable.
Out of God’s great love for you, He took on human form and suffering to be in relationship with you.
Imagine deciding you will become an ant to move among the ant hill and reveal your love for them. Though that is not an exact comparison, of course, our great God chose to live among people who are quite limited compared to His unlimited greatness. And His great and perfect love for flawed people compelled Him to do it.
God loves you. God, the Creator, who is the beginning and the end, loves you. He came to make a way to have a relationship with you, an imperfect and limited human being.
Today’s One Thing
Tell God how much you appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made for His great love for you.