Who Have You Noticed Lately?
Sometimes all it takes to make a difference is for someone to notice, stop, show care and listen.
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
– Ephesians 4:32 ESV
Joseph had dreams about his family bowing down to him. His brothers were jealous and hated him, so they sold him into slavery (Genesis 37). After he arrived in Egypt, his master put him in charge of all he had, but Joseph was wrongly accused and thrown into prison.
Since the Lord was with Joseph and gave him favor, he was put in charge of the prisoners. (Genesis 39). One morning, Joseph noticed that a couple of them were troubled, and he stopped to ask what was wrong (Genesis 40:6-7).
Showing a little care or concern can lead to unimaginable outcomes.
That moment of caring led Joseph, with God’s help, to interpreting two of the king’s prisoners’ dreams. Eventually it led to his release from prison. Joseph ended up before Pharoah, and from there he was put in charge of the whole land of Egypt (Genesis 41). In this position, Joseph was able to care for his family when they came to him in great need (Genesis 47).
Has someone recently shown you they care? Do you remember how it made you feel? Who in your life needs to know you are thinking of them?
Today’s One Thing
Do something practical for someone today to show you care.
- Ask how their day is going and really listen.
- Write a thoughtful text.
- Make a phone call and check in.