
Ellie Holcomb Reveals How to Feel God in Every Breath

In moments of turmoil, we often forget the simple tools God has given us to find peace. Contemporary Christian music artist Ellie Holcomb shares a God-given tool in an interview with Family Life Radio, offering valuable lessons for your faith journey.

Ellie Holcomb found a powerful tool in something as natural as breathing. “One of the things in 2020 that I picked up throughout that year is breathing. I discovered that breathing is a superpower,” she says.

In the scientific realm, breathing calms the brain by redirecting blood flow from the fight-or-flight center to more calming areas. It serves as a lifeline in moments of anxiety or panic. Peace is literally just a breath away.

Ellie continues, “I don’t know if any of you all have had panic attacks, anxiety or these moments where it literally feels like the weight of the world – like an elephant is literally standing on your chest – and if you’ve been there, I’m sorry. And, so I have learned to start breathing.”

God in Every Breath

Ellie says she began to study the breath of God, and she found an article by Jason Gray. “He talked about that the very name of God, YHWH, when Moses encounters Him in that burning bush. He’s saying, ‘Okay, so by what name should I tell Pharoah to let all these slaves go?’ That’s kind of an audacious thing that God was asking this very humble man to go do.”

Ellie Holcomb

More than just a physical act, Ellie found a spiritual connection in breathing. She shared, “When we take one deep breath, it’s as if we are saying the name of God, it’s as if we are praying.” The Hebrew pronunciation of “YHWH,” is a sound similar to a breath and reminiscent of God’s name revealed to Moses in the burning bush (Exodus 3:14).

“It’s as if we are saying the name of God, it’s as if we are praying,” Ellie continues. “And so I’m breathing in the moments that have felt full of panic of fear. My husband got really sick a couple of years ago, and I remember driving to the hospital. I couldn’t breathe; I was making wrong turns. … I just started that deep breathing.”

Every breath we take can be a prayer, an acknowledgment of God’s omnipresence.

Ellie shares, “It has been a massive gift to just lean into the peace of knowing that God is with us in every moment, in every breath we’re saying His name and He hears us call His name.”

Finding Rest in God’s Presence

Another thing Ellie mentions she does when she’s having trouble seeing through all the noise, “God has been teaching me – even in the midst of the chaos of three kids, who are crazy, work, life and community – to rest in His presence.”

Ellie Holcomb

Jesus invites the weary to come to Him for rest (Matthew 11:28). Even on your busiest days, you can find peace and rest in God’s presence. It’s about shifting your focus from your troubles to His comforting embrace.

Ellie humorously shared how God invited her to a year of rest, a concept she initially found laughable due to her busy schedule. But this invitation is something all believers can embrace. God calls us to find moments of quiet and rest in Him, regardless of life’s demands. It’s an invitation to trust Him, to lay down our burdens and to find refreshment for our souls in His presence.

One of the most significant challenges believers face is dealing with personal failures and shortcomings. Ellie’s words offer encouragement: “No matter how many times I make mistakes. No matter how many times I forget. God is faithful, and He always has the invitation for us to rest, lean into His love and let Him carry us through each moment.”

Lamentations 3:22-23, speaks of God’s unending mercies and faithfulness. Our journey is not about perfection but about leaning on the steadfast love of God, who is always ready to welcome us back with open arms.

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Our spiritual journey is a continuous learning process. Ellie admits, “I’m still learning it,” reminding us that it’s okay not to have everything figured out. Our walk with God involves growing, stumbling and getting back up again, always with His grace guiding us.

So, how can you apply Ellie’s insights to your own faith journey?

  1. Practice Mindful Breathing.

In moments of stress or anxiety, take a moment to breathe deeply. Remember that with each breath, you are in the presence of God and this can be your prayer.

      2. Seek Rest in God.

Amid life’s chaos, carve out time to rest in God’s presence. It can be as simple as a quiet moment of prayer or reading Scripture, reminding yourself of God’s love and care.

      3. Remember God’s Faithfulness.

When you falter or feel overwhelmed by your shortcomings, remember that God’s love and mercy are never-ending. His faithfulness is our anchor.

      4. Embrace God’s Invitation to Rest.

Be open to God’s invitations, even when they seem counterintuitive. Resting in Him is not about inactivity but about finding peace and strength in His presence.

     5. Be Patient with Your Spiritual Growth

Understand that your faith journey is a process. Be patient with yourself, knowing that each step, whether forward or backward, is part of your growth in Christ.

It’s in the everyday moments, in the very act of breathing, that you can find a connection with your Heavenly Father.

When life’s pace quickens, and the noise around you grows, this simple practice of mindful breathing can bring you back to His peacful presence.

Remember, God is as close as your next breath. Inhale His peace, exhale your worries and step forward in faith, knowing that He is with you, guiding you through each day. May you find comfort and strength in this simple yet profound practice, and may it deepen your relationship with the God who breathes life into us all.

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