
April Newsletter 

Mother’s Day is just around the corner.

Stores are brimming with gift ideas for these special women…the ones who support us and love us more than anything.

Yet, there’s another who loves us even more…JESUS.

Jesus showed us His love when He took our sins upon Himself at Calvary… and today, He offers new life to those who choose to follow Him.

It’s Jesus’ love and offer of new life that you help broadcast out into the world through Family Life Radio—and I can’t thank you enough for your support!

In the Mother’s Day edition of the Experience Hope newsletter, you will read about how God is using you to offer encouragement, hope and new life through Family Life Radio.

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THANK YOU for Serving Up Love to Our First Responders
Ultimate Baby Shower
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A Note From Evan: Getting God’s Word Into Your Head and Heart
Give the HOPE, PEACE and STRENGTH of Jesus