April Newsletter 

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Stores are brimming with gift ideas for these special women…the ones who support us and love us more than anything. Yet, there’s another […]

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Love Your Neighbor

It doesn’t take a lot to make a difference in someone’s life. You don’t have to go far to love your neighbor— you can do a little thing that means […]

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The Power of Loving Your Neighbor

Margie’s selfless service For last year’s “Love Your Neighbor” Contest, we received countless nominations. Online listener, Melissa, wrote in about her neighbor Margie: “She’s the kind of person who will […]

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Help People Experience Hope

God is doing a wondrous work through YOU and others who share Family Life Radio’s passion for reaching people with music and programs that declare Christ and help listeners live […]

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A Note From Evan

Lean on Jesus As I reflect on how COVID-19 has and continues to impact our world, our families and our ministry, it’s easy to hit a wall . . . […]

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